Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Day 21-22

We have been to some beautiful places, but oh my Lake Tahoe is amazing! I am partial because of all the work trips I have made out here, but it has everything. It has mountains, lakes, snow, sun, and every outdoor activity we could dream up! 
I took a half day yesterday to bike around the lake- from Incline to South Lake Tahoe. It was 45 miles of pristine views, challenging hills, undulating paths, and the icing on the cake was a glimpse of the construction of a project I worked on designing! This amazing ride was on my bucket list since I drove this road back in 2012. And it lived up and exceeded every expectation.


 To top this off we caught an amazing sunset on the beach where Kolton was trying to touch the sky. It was almost the perfect day! Here is what I am learning- find what makes you happy and figure out a way to do it. This made me happy.

I am learning that good things are worth the work. Like shooting stars requires getting out side when the warm bed is calling. And Long bike rides require being away from work for an afternoon.  But the sacrifices are totally worth it. These are the memories I will take me long after that work task is complete, and I can always sleep tomorrow.
Kolton has been a trooper getting in a lot of new teeth while on this trip. He got his third one on the bottom and his fourth one on the top is almost in.  This has meant a lot of buggery faces and Kleenex, but also a sweet smile! He is getting good at saying mama and oh wow. He also really loves laughing when other people laugh, and he loves clapping for himself. He is also standing up trying to balance. He’s taken a step here and there but hasn’t fully walked yet. And best of all he is starting to enter a mama phase. He reaches for me, and he holds my hand occasionally. To all my new mama friends this is a good milestone! 
 We spent much of the day working at McDonald’s today because I like the idea of Kolton being able to play at the play place, and they had good WiFi. This was Narendra‘s hell to be surrounded by people who eat McDonald’s all day. Kolton did have fun and made some friends, but I’m not sure that’s our ideal work situation.

We did a nice evening hike above Emerald Bay to Eagle Lake.  We saw a few people toward the bottom, and we had the lake to ourselves where Kolton chatted with the birds for a while.  It is so fun to watch him learn, and to see what he picks up on.  He thought he mastered the selfie stick too, but he was better with the hiking poles than the selfie stick.

We stayed in a nice RV park the last 2 nights, which I am learning is probably worth it. Not only are the showers nice, but the people are just a little more our people. There are characters everywhere, but these characters at least have their cracks covered up! Tonight we got real lucky and are camping on the beach of Lake Tahoe. It is just down the street from our sunset spot last night. Narendra decided to make it an early night because we have been on the go a lot. I decided to take advantage of campfires being allowed. So here’s the scene. I am sitting here watching shooting stars. Kolton is wrapped up a sleeping bag in my lap asleep. We are laying on the crash pad next to a campfire that I did all by myself.  Lake Tahoe is about to file in the tall trees are creating night shadows above us. This is what camping is all about. I do love my home and my bed, but there’s something about sleeping outside that is good for this soul.

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